I began my sculpture product by looking through objects i had found an grouping them according to how they looked and how they could be used. When I found the the black stringy tape from the tape recorder I knew I to use it. It inspired me to think about all the different things i could use it for. I finally decided that it could be best put to use as the fur of a animal. I began to look through my stuff again to try to find more objects. Now knowing what direction I was going in it was a little bit easier to zero in and filter out unusable objects, or objects that would not be practical for what I was creating. When I finally came upon a side to a black DvD player I was able to start building. The DvD player side had two walls that lifted it from the ground immediately standing out in my mind as a body. It was also black so it was color coordinated with the black tape. I came up with two ideas for animals, a zebra and a raccoon. I deiced that the zebra was not as good of a fit because the legs formed by the DvD player were two short and fat to be a zebra. This left me with only one choice the raccoon. I found more and more things helping me build my raccoon. I had completed the body when I realized that I what I had made resembled a panther more than a raccoon. When I looked for objects that could be made into a panther, I realized that they were all there. In the end I did end up completing my panther and it turned out better than I originally thought it would. The feedback I got back from my peers focused mainly on the lack of colors, but the variety in material and great use of material. Though I do appreciate colorful sculptures my sculpture was purposefully made to be unanimously colored black because of what I was building.
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